Virgo New Moon
Sept 2 at 6:55 PM PT
Searching for the legendary needle in the haystack, Dark Luna carefully crafts a light beam of Virgo sense-ability to aid her essential work. Peering beneath harvested strands of crispy golden rods, she seeks pragmatic solutions hidden in a sea of impermanence.
Change is afoot, and the urgency of discerning reality from illusion becomes paramount as the New Moon on September 2 at 6:55 pm PT (your time) heralds a season of fate-infused eclipses.
Further shaking up stagnant energies, Uranus in Taurus turns retrograde the same day, covering old ground and begging for liberation. At the same time, Mars squares Neptune at 29 degrees before ingressing into Cancer for a long, epic crustacean adventure from September 4 – April 17. Advocate for the truth, but recognize there’s more than one way to separate the wheat from the chaff. Subtle and not-so-subtle messages from your intuition can break through a litany of confusion.